Fridays Feature and Follow Number #4


The goal of Parajunkee and Alison can reads feature and follow friday blog hop is so that bloggers can gain new followers and make new friends. To learn more About this meme click here

I am looking forward to taking part in this Meme since I am only a new blogger, I love to connect with others to make friends and to see what others are talking about.

This Weeks Question.

Q: Activity: Spine Poetry. Create a line of poetry with your book spines (take a picture). Not feeling creative? Tell us about your favorite poem.

Just finshed work so I really am not feeling creative, but I have 2 fav poems, both by Edgar Allan Poe, First one is Annabelle Lee, which is a really creepy love poem. and the second is The Raven.



20 thoughts on “Fridays Feature and Follow Number #4

  1. Pingback: Caught by a Witch, What’s a Poor Mouse to do? Make Spine Poetry! | friendlyfairytales

  2. I haven’t read much of Poe’s works, but I’ve always loved what I have read of it. Great choices 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I hope you have a great weekend.
    New Follower.

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